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The Molly Jr. brings a dash of Antwerp fashion to your home, or at least to the face of your 6 to 11 year old. Just so you can look at your offspring and go: “We did a great job, and just made this planet a more beautiful place!” And that’s exactly what we want to do with our eyewear as well!
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Daisy Funk
Brooks Serpentine
Puffed Mariner Mariner Stingray
Puffed Mariner Mariner Jam
Eat Dust Leather Strap Natural
Brooks XS Neon Light
Smiles Rose Gold
Lacy Gold
Lacy Rose Gold
Daisy White
Blake Pride Cord
Scully Red
Scully Grey
Kai Gold
Jane Shell
Riz Silver
Ella Rose Gold
Vega Pearl
Boa Gun
Brooks XS Carbon
Blake Rum
Ray Rose Gold
Vega Black
Rosie White
Bubble Silver
Brooks Black
Eat Dust Leather Strap Black
Brooks Sahara